Author will need to provide all images and information for the design of card.At Bookin' It Designs, we use full-color design with a full-bleed image for high impact. We also encourage you to customize the message on the back of the trading card with information such as but not limited to:
Character name
Favorite quote
Favorite hobby
Field of expertise
Species (for fantasy of any sub-genre)
Favorite Color
Strengths / Weaknesses
Other details and required documents:
Author name
Book title
High quality high res (300dpi) cover art
High Quality High res(300dpi) character image
Series number (if applicable)
Author website
Series Title
NOTE: Please make sure image is high resolution and purchased from royalty free-stock image site of your choosing. If you wish to use your cover art to represent your character please double check with your publisher to make sure your cover art can be cropped.
If character pictures is not desired for back of card, you can opt for a trading card with just a character description with a 50 word focus on character's main focus in book followed by that characters personal details. Or any array of options you would like.
NOTE: By default BID uses GOTPRINT.COMfor the template design work of trading cards. All printing is handled by the author while Bookin' It Designs provides the design work print ready. If you require we use another print site for your work, please provide this information in your initial email so we can work with the proper template.
When you are ready and have placed your order, email all the above information to us at [email protected]