Facebook ads, Twitter ads, and Book Bub ads are HUGE! Don't miss the opportunity to reach readers with high quality ads using your books/author brand.
#TeaserTuesday, #FollowFriday, #ThrowbackThursday and just kick-butt quote cards sharing quotes from your work or book sales are all ways to keep your content fresh on social media. BID offers three options. Take a single card or five, or ten depending on your needs.
What You Need To Do To Get Started:
Author will need to provide all images and information for the design of card. For full design please provide the following:
Author name
Author Website
Copy for the Ad
Book Cover(s) in High 300 dpi resolution (if applicable)
Ad requirements (For quote card, for FB ad, For Instagram?)
Quote if for Quote Card
NOTE: Please make sure images are high resolution.
When you are ready and have placed your order, email all the above information to [email protected]